G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

Latest stable version: 3.5.2        Current pre-release: 3.5.3 (2025/02/14)


Table of Contents  ▸  Funny Oneliners◀  List of Commands    |    G'MIC Markdown  ▶

Funny Oneliners

XOR animation

By SlavaCat118.
255,255,127,1,"xor(x,y)%(z+1)" s z n 0,255


By David Tschumperlé.
300,300x5 foreach { noise_poissondisk 40 +distance 1 label_fg.. 0 mul. -1 watershed.. . rm. g xy,1 a c } norm neq 0 distance 1 apply_gamma 1.5 n 0,255 morph 20,0.1 map copper +rv[^0]

3D Torus

By David Tschumperlé.
torus3d 100,80,36,24 s3d f.. 1+int(y/3) a y repeat 20 800,800 +r3d[0] 0,0,1,$> pose3d. 0.88,-0.08,-0.46,0,0.36,0.75,0.56,0,0.3,-0.66,0.7,0 j3d.. .,50%,50%,-500,1,2 rm. f. "boundary=1;i==j(-1)&&i==j(0,-1)?0:255" +b. 6 equalize. 256 *. 1.7 max[-2,-1] done rm[0] r2dx 50% n 0,255


By Garry Osgood.
srand 100 360,240,50,3 noise 0.2,2 bandpass 2%,3% n 0,255 s z animate 20

Recursive Macro

By James Prichard.
1000,1000,1,1,f(x,y,l)=l?f(max(x,y)%3,abs(min(x,y))*3,l-1):x;f(x/w-.7,y/w,6) n 0,255 r2dx 640 frame 1,1,0

Fibonacci Word

By James Prichard.
100000,1,1,1,0.6180339887498948482*x round f i-j[-1] (1,-1) * cumulate mod 4 + 1 +f arg(i,1,1,-1,-1) f.. arg(i,-1,1,1,-1) cumulate -[0] {0,im} -[1] {1,im} a y pointcloud 0 b 1
100000,1,1,1,0.6180339887498948482*x round f i-j[-1] (1,-1) * cumulate mod 4 + 1 +f arg(i,1,1,-1,-1) f.. arg(i,-1,1,1,-1) cumulate -[0] {0,im} -[1] {1,im} a y pointcloud 0 b 1 n 0,255 r2dx 640 frame 1,1,0

Light Speed

By David Tschumperlé.
500,500 repeat 10 +noise_poissondisk[0] {3+$>} done rm[0] a z f "!z?(R=cut(norm(x-w/2,y-h/2)/20,0,d-1);i(x,y,R)):0" slices 0 to_rgb f "max(I)?u([255,255,255]):I" blur_radial 0.6% equalize n 0,255
500,500 repeat 10 +noise_poissondisk[0] {3+$>} done rm[0] a z f "!z?(R=cut(norm(x-w/2,y-h/2)/20,0,d-1);i(x,y,R)):0" slices 0 to_rgb f "max(I)?u([255,255,255]):I" blur_radial 0.6% equalize n 0,255 frame 1,1,0

Sierpinksi Carpet

By David Tschumperlé.
729,729,1,3,"c(x,y,l) = (S = round(w/3^l); (int(x/S)%3)*(int(y/S)%3)==1?255:l<6?c(x,y,l + 1):0); c(x,y,1)"
729,729,1,3,"c(x,y,l) = (S = round(w/3^l); (int(x/S)%3)*(int(y/S)%3)==1?255:l<6?c(x,y,l + 1):0); c(x,y,1)" r2dx 50% frame 1,1,0

Sierpinski Triangle

By David Tschumperlé.
1024,1024,1,1,">x>y?0:y<2?1:xor(j(0,-1),j(-1,-1))" f. "255*j(-w/2+y/2,0)"
1024,1024,1,1,">x>y?0:y<2?1:xor(j(0,-1),j(-1,-1))" f. "255*j(-w/2+y/2,0)" r2dx 33% frame 1,1,0

◀  List of Commands    |    G'MIC Markdown  ▶
G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
GPL-compatible). Copyrights (C) Since July 2008, David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.