G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

Latest stable version: 3.5.3 (2025/03/07)


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Cheat #4: You've Moved Fast and Broken Things. Now What?

TL;DR: You have written a G'MIC pipeline. It doesn't work.

This is the usual gang of suspects:
 1.  Unexpected image metrics
 2.  Shell interference
 3.  Misplaced spaces
 4.  Mistaken argument values

They account for the vast majority of problems and may be detected/fixed by running down a check list:
Event:     The pipeline runs without error, but images are black or look weird or the results are substandard.  
Check:     G’MIC writes a log to your shell (But! See Verbosity following). Are there any curious, surprising or inexplicable items? See Running Commands and Introduction to the G'MIC command line tool G'MIC □
Check:     Do image metrics produced by -print or -display comply with constraints imposed by formats like .png, .tiff, or .jpg? The G'MIC log writes metrics after image list positions like [0] = <an image name>. Do the metrics make sense? Are you outputting to unsigned image formats (.jpg, .png) but the image im metric is less than zero? See Images as Data Sets □
Check:     Recall that display indicates; it does not prove. display0 more closely approximates an image proofing tool. See Cheat #3: The -display Command Lies □
Check:     Are command arguments sane? Recall that commands generally expect arguments in a certain order. Depending on how they are written, commands may permit certain arguments to be omitted and defaults are applied. That means mis-ordered argument lists may not even raise an error, as G'MIC may apply defaults for arguments. Use gmic h <your command> for argument list ordering and what arguments have default values. □
Event:     G'MIC doesn't run the pipeline. It prints some error message about failing to load an image — but the "image" is actually a part of the command!  
Check:     Are there misplaced space charcters? Only commas separate items in argument lists, not commas and spaces. When G'MIC identifies an unexpected item as an image file or assigns the wrong values to arguments, it is usually a sign that misplaced space characters are causing G'MIC to block out the command line in a way other than your intents. See Items of a Processing Pipeline. See also Debuggery, following. □

When you're new to the cli command line, it is to be expected that G'MIC behaves unexpectedly.

Run down the checklist looking for the usual gang of suspects. Your image metrics are not compatible with your output image format; the shell is changing the composition of the command line before it gets to G'MIC; you've inadvertently put spaces in the wrong places — separate command arguments with just commas — you've made mistakes ordering arguments or omitted arguments which have no defaults.

That covers 99 out of 100 cases.

So. Step away from the computer. Stretch. Take a deep breath. Then proof-read the command line as if you have never seen it before. More often or not, your difficulties stem from one or more of these suspects.

Sometimes, it seems that none of the gang is responsible at all. Then turn up the volume. First try verbose, then debug.

Most G'MIC commands announce how they've interpreted their arguments. These show up in G'MIC's shell log and provide leads as to what might be going wrong. Are defaults being used when explicit values have been supplied? Do numeric arguments have unexpected values? Do empty strings show up as arguments? Many of these indicate problems in G'MIC's command line blocking.

Beware. Script writers can preset verbosity levels. They may use the verbose command (shortcut: v), to set verbosity to zero, supressing G'MIC's shell log.

This may not be a terrible thing. Day-to-day, people often prefer quiet scripts — until the script leaves the rails. Then all the hints that can possibly be had are needed at the front. Fortunately, the -verbose command can make a script noisy as well as quiet.

The behavior depends on the notion of "level". G'MIC commands call other commands. "Level" counts the callers down from the initial callers on the command line. By default, G'MIC assigns a verbosity level of one to the command line. -verbose mays set it higher or lower. For commands that call other commands, those "nested" on a level deeper by one, G'MIC deducts one from the caller's level and assigns the reduced level to the callee. If the callee's level is still positive, G'MIC will echo whatever messages the callee produces. Zero or less, and G'MIC suppresses the message. With just the default verbosity level of one, those on the command line emit messages, but not their callees — their verbosity level is zero — nor callees of callees, nor anyone deeper.

Change verbosity to up the noise. -verbose 3 (v 3) allows messages emitting from the command line (3), messages that come from their direct "callees," that is, those called from the command line (2), and messages from those commands that callees invoke in turn (1). Further calls reach level zero and are not seen.

$ gmic v 0 256,256,1,2 =. {w^2},3,2,0,0 s. c -ifft[-2,-1] rm.
operates entirely on the QT. No G'MIC shell log. No exit messages. Nothing — not even a -display!. Unless a command throws an exception somewhere, there's only silence.


$ gmic v 1 256,256,1,2 =. {w^2},3,2,0,0 s. c -ifft[-2,-1] rm.
256,256,1,2 =. {w^2},3,2,0,0 s. c -ifft[-2,-1] rm. n. 0,255
displays a sinusoidal wavefront of amplitude ±1 rotated from the vertical by ≈33.69°, the right angle less the angle whose tangent is a 3:2 ratio, which, in retrospect, is perfectly obvious — don't you think? Just count the cycles to a side.

One may also employ relative notation. -verbose + increases the level by one from whatever it was before, while -verbose - decreases it by one. Often, relative notation is harnessed to "punch out" a script message over and above the prevailing verbosity level, whatever that may be — sort of like raising one's voice:
v 0   # Everybody: just shut up.

/. 0
if isnan(im) v + e "Well Stanley, here's another fine mess you've gotten me into." v - fi

The previous section discussed "calling" commands. In G'MIC, this "calling" action is that of the G'MIC command processor taking up an item on the pipeline and identifying it as a command. In doing so, G'MIC's execution behavior figuratively traverses a tree. Taking up a custom command and entering its scope is akin to following a branch on a tree.

In following the branch, G'MIC "enters the scope" of the called command. G'MIC puts on hold the pipeline from which the calling takes place and commences a new scope: the pipeline that makes up the called command. For built-in commands, that scope entry is a quiet affair; Implemented in the CImg library, compiled from C++, G'MIC scripting cannot trace the goings-on in binaries. But the majority of G'MIC commands are custom commands implemented in G'MIC and embodying a pipeline of their own. When operating with an active -debug command, G'MIC may trace their execution.

When following the branch, G'MIC essentially goes through the same process of scope passage: expanding — or "decomposing" — commands into their pipeline definitions, putting the current pipeline on hold, then "entering the new scope," operating on that new pipeline from start to finish as if that is the only task it has in the whole, wide world. Upon finish, G'MIC returns to the "trunk", "parent branch" or "parent scope", resuming operations on the pipeline that had been put on hold. Of course, while on the branch, G'MIC may very well encounter a subsequent custom command. That induces entry into an even deeper scope; the mechanics of which is like entering any other scope. Once one grasps the mechanics of scope passage, the giganormous! text dumps of the -debug command can be unpacked into the same story, only different. G'MIC could be at the end any number of branches during the course of its operations. The leaves of the tree are ultimately the built-in commands; these just do image processing and do not call deeper scopes.

The very beginning is a special case: G'MIC isn't in any scope. It just has a shell command line. G'MIC prepares to enter the root scope in exactly the same manner as it enters any other scope: it blocks out the shell command line into an itemized pipeline and then enters the root scope (\), comparable to entering the scope of any other custom command.

Now G'MIC is in the regular groove. Its entry into the root scope is like its entry into any other scope: it takes an incoming pipeline and begins traversing it from start to finish. Should it encounter any built-in command it invokes the corresponding CImg call. Should it encounter a custom command, it decomposes it into its pipeline definition, puts the current scope on hold and then enters the new scope, one named after the command. And so on, and so forth.

In light of this, let's unpack the initial giganormous amount of text produced by a modestly simple command line. First, G'MIC prepares to enter the root scope:

 gmic v 3 -debug bar='{3*exp(-(0.75/(2*pi)))}' \
      images/e_letter.png                    \
      -blur[-1] 3 -sharpen. 300,2            \
      -bandpass[0] 0.01,0.005

[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter (in debug mode).<gmic>-0./ Initial command line: 'v 3 cli_start , -debug bar={3*exp(-(0.75/(2*pi)))} images/e_letter.png -blur[-1] 3 -sharpen. 300,2 -bandpass[0] 0.01,0.005 e[] "Bar is :{$bar}"'.
<gmic>./ Decompose command line into 13 items: 
<gmic>./   item[0] = 'v'
<gmic>./   item[1] = '3'
<gmic>./   item[2] = 'cli_start'
<gmic>./   item[3] = ','
<gmic>./   item[4] = '-debug'
<gmic>./   item[5] = 'bar={3*exp(-(0.75/(2*pi)))}'
<gmic>./   item[6] = 'images/e_letter.png'
<gmic>./   item[7] = '-blur[-1]'
<gmic>./   item[8] = '3'
<gmic>./   item[9] = '-sharpen.'
<gmic>./   item[10] = '300,2'
<gmic>./   item[11] = '-bandpass[0]'
<gmic>./   item[12] = '0.01,0.005'

<gmic>-0./ Enter scope './'.
At the very beginning, G'MIC turns the command line into an itemized pipeline to give to the root scope ./. Of the fifteen items, numbered zero through fourteen, two may be surprising. G'MIC inserted a custom command, item[2] = 'cli_start' and its empty argument list item[3] = ','. This is a command line hook. G'MIC's default implementation of the custom command cli_start is an empty pipeline, which gets an empty argument list. As it stands, cli_start does nothing, but you may override cli_start, perhaps by defining it in your default %AppData%\user.gmic (Windows) or $HOME/.gmic (Unix-like) file, or defining it in any other set of custom *.gmic commands. However defined, this now-overloaded custom command operates whenever you invoke gmic, doing whatever initial steps you may deem necessary at your "G'MIC site". Typically, cli_start may be used to transparently introduce site-specific *.gmic command files, but other purposes may be served.

Apart from creating a hook, G'MIC constructs the itemized pipeline from the command line as it sees it! For spelunkers, this deserves much attention, because if G'MIC sees the command line differently from the way you see it, difficulties may arise. For example, consider this alternative itemization following item[11] = '-bandpass[0]':
<gmic>./   item[11] = '-bandpass[0]'
<gmic>./   item[12] = '0.01,'
<gmic>./   item[13] = '0.005'
Problems are brewing! Probably, the comma following item[12] = 0.01, had an unnoticed space following it — and G'MIC splits on spaces when it is itemizing command lines. This detatches '0.005' as an independent item[13], wholly unrelated to the -bandpass command argument list; at least this is as it is in G'MIC's eyes.

Upon entry into the bandpass/ scope, the command will be given only one argument. As it happens, -bandpass can accept one argument and succeed, though the results may not be entirely expected. Such differences from expectations is moot, however, as there is now a root scope list item, 0.005, which G'MIC does not associate with the -bandpass argument list. After G'MIC exits from the ./bandpass scope, it takes up item[13] as the next order of business:

<gmic>-1./bandpass/ Exit scope 'bandpass/'.

<gmic>-1./ Item '0.005', selection [].
<gmic>-1./ Command 'input': arguments = '0.005'.
[gmic]-1./ Input file '0.005' at position 1
[gmic]-1./ *** Error *** Unknown command or filename '0.005'.
G'MIC treats unmatched items as potential image inputs; it inserts an -input command in front of unmatched items, regarding them as a references to image sources. -input, a built-in command, executes, but throws an exception when the operating system fails to deliver 0.005 as an accessible image source.

As you may have gathered, this whirlwind tour of command processing has dropped some concepts on the conceptual editorial floor. We have left out other circumstances which induce the G'MIC command processor to enter specialized scopes, those related to -local…-done and others augmenting command line substitutions. The -explain_scope command is further down the pipeline. For spelunking purposes, the initial command line expansion — or decomposition — into a scope list is of paramount interest: most pipeline maladys arise from unexpected itemization of this list. Since it embodies how G'MIC "sees" the pipeline, it well behooves us to ensure that we see it the same way.

Updated: 07-March-2023 21:55 UTC Commit: 220bd6b91cf3556158551b6ca6d8f6e242b72850
G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing

G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
GPL-compatible). Copyrights (C) Since July 2008, David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.