No arguments
Display selected 2d images in an interactive window.
(equivalent to shortcut command d2d).
This command is used by default by command
display when displaying 2D images.
If selected image is a volumetric image, each slice is displayed on a separate display
window (up to 10 images can be displayed simultaneously this way), with synchronized moves.
When interactive window is opened, the following actions are possible:
Left mouse button: Create an image selection and zoom into it.
Middle mouse button, or CTRL+left mouse button: Move image.
Mouse wheel or PADD+/-: Zoom in/out.
Arrow keys: Move image left/right/up/down.
CTRL + A: Enable/disable transparency (show/hide alpha channel).
CTRL + C: Decrease window size.
CTRL + D: Increase window size.
CTRL + F: Toggle fullscreen mode.
CTRL + N: Change normalization mode (can be { none | normal | channel-by-channel }).
CTRL + O: Save a copy of the input image, as a numbered file gmic_xxxxxx.gmz.
CTRL + R: Reset both window size and view.
CTRL + S: Save a screenshot of the current view, as a numbered file gmic_xxxxxx.png.
CTRL + SPACE: Reset view.
CTRL + X: Show/hide axes.
CTRL + Z: Hold/release aspect ratio.
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.