- text,_x[%|~],_y[%|~],_{ font_height[%]>=0 | custom_font },_opacity,_color1,...
Draw specified colored text string on selected images.
(equivalent to shortcut command t).
If one of the x or y argument ends with a
~, its value is expected to be a centering ratio (in [0,1]) rather than a position.
Usual centering ratio are
{ 0:left-justified | 0.5:centered | 1:right-justified }.
13 and
128 are special and correspond to binary fonts (no-antialiasing). Any other font size is rendered with anti-aliasing.
Specifying an empty target image resizes it to new dimensions such that the image contains the entire text string.
A custom font can be specified as a variable name that stores an image list of 256 or 512 items (512 for 256 character sprites + 256 associated opacities), or as an image selection that is a serialized version of such an image list.
Default values:
x=y=0.01~, font_height=16, opacity=1 and color1=0.
Examples of use:
• Example #1
image.jpg rescale2d ,600 div 2 y=0 repeat 30 { text {2*$>}" : This is a nice text!",10,$y,{2*$>},0.9,255 y+={2*$>} }

image.jpg rescale2d ,600 div 2 y=0 repeat 30 { text {2*$>}" : This is a nice text!",10,$y,{2*$>},0.9,255 y+={2*$>} }
• Example #2
0 text "G'MIC",0,0,23,1,255

Command: 0 text "G'MIC",0,0,23,1,255
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.