- _size>=0,_nb_branches>0,0<=_thickness<=1
Input a 2D star binary shape with specified size.
Default values:
size=512, nb_branches=5 and thickness=0.38.
Example of use:
repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }

Command: repeat 9 { shape_star 256,{$>+2} }
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.