- _name1={ ? | apples | balloons | barbara | boats | bottles | butterfly | cameraman | car | cat | cliff | chick | colorful | david | dog | duck | eagle | elephant | earth | flower | fruits | gmicky | gmicky_mahvin | gmicky_wilber | greece | gummy | house | inside | landscape | leaf | lena | leno | lion | mandrill | monalisa | monkey | parrots | pencils | peppers | portrait0 | portrait1 | portrait2 | portrait3 | portrait4 | portrait5 | portrait6 | portrait7 | portrait8 | portrait9 | roddy | rooster | rose | square | swan | teddy | tiger | tulips | wall | waterfall | zelda },_name2,...,_nameN,_width={ >=0 | 0 (auto) },_height = { >=0 | 0 (auto) } or
- (no arg)
Input a new sample RGB image (opt. with specified size).
(equivalent to shortcut command sp).
name can be replaced by an integer which serves as a sample index.
Example of use:
repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }

Command: repeat 6 { sample }
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.