- _type = { -X:-X-opacity | 0:binary | 1:cumulative | 2:label | 3:retrieve coordinates },_width,_height>0,_depth>0
Render a set of point coordinates, as a point cloud in a 1D/2D or 3D binary image
(or do the reverse, i.e. retrieve coordinates of non-zero points from a rendered point cloud).
Input point coordinates can be a NxMx1x1, Nx1x1xM or 1xNx1xM image, where
N is the number of points,
and M the point coordinates.
If 'M'>3, the 3-to-M components sets the (M-3)-dimensional color at each point.
height and
depth are related to the size of the final image :
If set to 0, the size is automatically set along the specified axis.
If set to N>0, the size along the specified axis is N.
If set to N<0, the size along the specified axis is at most N.
Points with coordinates that are negative or higher than specified (
are not plotted.
Default values:
type=0 and max_width=max_height=max_depth=0.
Examples of use:
• Example #1
3000,2 rand 0,400 +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3

Command: 3000,2 rand 0,400 +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3

Command: 3000,2 rand 0,400 +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3
• Example #2
3000,2 rand 0,400 {w} {w},3 rand[-1] 0,255 append y +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3

Command: 3000,2 rand 0,400 {w} {w},3 rand[-1] 0,255 append y +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3

Command: 3000,2 rand 0,400 {w} {w},3 rand[-1] 0,255 append y +pointcloud 0 dilate[-1] 3
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.