- isovalue[%],_metric or
- isovalue[%],[metric],_method
Compute the unsigned distance function to specified isovalue, opt. according to a custom metric.
metric can be
{ 0:chebyshev | 1:manhattan | 2:euclidean | 3:squared-euclidean }.
method can be
{ 0:fast-marching | 1:low-connectivity dijkstra | 2:high-connectivity dijkstra | 3:1+return path | 4:2+return path }.
Default values:
metric=2 and method=0.
This command has a tutorial page.
Examples of use:
• Example #1

image.jpg threshold 20% distance 0 pow 0.3
• Example #2
400,400 set 1,50%,50% +distance[0] 1,2 +distance[0] 1,1 distance[0] 1,0 mod 32 threshold 16 append c

Command: 400,400 set 1,50%,50% +distance[0] 1,2 +distance[0] 1,1 distance[0] 1,0 mod 32 threshold 16 append c
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
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Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.