Adding Custom Commands
New custom commands can be added by the user, through the use of G'MIC custom commands files.
A command file is a simple text file, where each line starts either by
command_name: command_definition
command_definition (continuation)
At startup, G'MIC automatically includes user's command file $HOME/.gmic (on Unix) or %USERPROFILE%\user.gmic (on Windows). The CLI tool gmic automatically runs the command cli_start if defined.
Custom command names must use character set [a-zA-Z0-9_] and cannot start with a number.
Any # comment expression found in a custom commands file is discarded by the G'MIC parser, wherever it is located in a line.
In a custom command, the following $-expressions are recognized and substituted:
$* is substituted by a verbatim copy of the specified string of arguments (do not include arguments set to default values).
$"*" is substituted by the sequence of specified arguments, separated by commas ,, each being double-quoted (include arguments set to default values).
$# is substituted by the maximum index of known arguments (either specified by the user or set to a default value in the custom command).
$[] is substituted by the list of selected image indices that have been specified in the command invocation.
$? is substituted by a printable version of $[] to be used in command descriptions.
$i and ${i} are both substituted by the i-th specified argument. Negative indices such as ${-j} are allowed and refer to the j-th latest argument. $0 is substituted by the custom command name.
${i=default} is substituted by the value of $i (if defined) or by its new value set to default otherwise (default may be a $-expression as well).
${subset} is substituted by the argument values (separated by commas ,) of a specified argument subset. For instance expression ${2--2} is substituted by all specified command arguments except the first and the last one. Expression ${^0} is then substituted by all arguments of the invoked command (eq. to $* if all arguments have been indeed specified).
$=var is substituted by the set of instructions that will assign each argument $i to the named variable var$i (for i in [0...$#]. This is particularly useful when a custom command want to manage variable numbers of arguments. Variables names must use character set [a-zA-Z0-9_] and cannot start with a number.
These particular $-expressions for custom commands are always substituted, even in double-quoted items or when the dollar sign $ is escaped with a backslash $. To avoid substitution, place an empty double quoted string just after the $ (as in $""1).
Specifying arguments may be skipped when invoking a custom command, by replacing them by commas , as in expression
flower ,,3
Omitted arguments are set to their default values, which must be thus explicitly defined in the code of the corresponding custom command (using default argument expressions as
If one numbered argument required by a custom command misses a value, an error is thrown by the G'MIC interpreter.
It is possible to specialize the invocation of a +command by defining it as
+command_name: command_definition
A +-specialization takes priority over the regular command definition when the command is invoked with a prepended +.
When only a +-specialization of a command is defined, invoking command is actually equivalent to +command.
G'MIC is an open-source software distributed under the
CeCILL free software licenses (LGPL-like and/or
Copyrights (C) Since July 2008,
David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image Team.